WHOIS Changes

  • Thursday, 8th December, 2016
  • 00:00am

Beginning December 1st, 2016, changing WHOIS details for a domain name via our client area will result in a domain name being locked for 60 days preventing transfer to another registrar. ICANN instituted this policy to prevent domain name theft, and, we think it's a step in the right direction as far as abuse is concerned. During the 60 day window, Fused does not have the ability to unlock a domain name for transfer.

We highly recommend always ensuring your domain contact information is up to date, but given this change it's particularly important.
Please review your domain name contact information:

1. Logging into our client area at https://clients.fused.com/clientarea.php
2. Navigating to domains > my domains. 
3. From there, each domain has a drop-down link on the far right that allows you to 'Edit contact information' with ease.

As always, we'll be here if you have any questions. 

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